Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Peco had babies!

As you all may know Peco is the stupid cat that tried to jump off my deck. If you don't know who Peco is, and how dumb she is all you have to do is go to the very bottom on my blog. There you will see why I called her dumb. Anyway, Peco had babies!
Yeah, I cant believe it she delivered them while I was at school. My brother was there when she had them. Apparently he called my mom frantically saying, that Peco had her babies on my sister's bunk-bed. He also said that there was blood all over. So my mom came home, got blankets, put the new born kitties on a soft blanket, and brought up food for Peco to eat while she cared for her babies in our bathroom.
The babies were born on November twenty-ninth 2007. There's one all black one (Booboo), there's one black and white one the smallest of them all , (Runt), and there's two orange ones (Tang, and Tigger.) If you are interested in taking one post a comment on the comment page for this post. I'll keep updates on how they are doing. Oh, and just so you know they're free.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Woodmont Academy

I'm enjoying my school year at Woodmont Academy. Most of my teachers are great,and I'm learning alot.
One of the things I really like about Woodmont is I get a chance to be closer to God than I was before. Just to inform you we pray eleven times each day. It can get boring at times but over all I like praying. I don't know what it is, but after I pray I feel good inside.
Another reason why I like Woodmont is all the kids are nice, and everyone hangs out with each other. Not only do the different grades talk to each other, but the whole middle school interact with one another. We play basketball together, football, soccer, wall ball, and even gymnastics.
The last thing I really like is that Woodmont has sport teams. We have basketball,and baseball. Basketball season is during the winter, and baseball is during the spring. I made it on the basketball team, and I have a great coach. We lost our first game to Ressurection, but I have a feeling we're going to progress through the year. Who knows, we might turn out to be champions. I am trying out for baseball in the spring.
The one thing I really don't like about Woodmont is the uniforms! Really, the only thing I do not like about them is they are very uncomfortable.
Now you guys have the update on my new school.

P.S. CHC hope to see you guys soon.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Dogs are cool.OH YEAH,and they rock.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


The crazy man jumped off the plane,twirling and spinning he's quite insane.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

One Giant Squid

In the New Zeland oceans they found a giant squid as long as a school bus that weighed a half ton.They almost broke their backs pulling it out of the ocean,but they did it and they broke a world record.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Peco off the edge

One day my friend and I were sitting in my kitchen when we saw my cat Peco on the edge of our two story deck. She was about to jump off. So we ran over and caught her when she was in midair.Peco would've been a pancake if we had not saved her. She seemed annoyed that we caught her. Next time we will just let her fly.